

Perfectionism is just fear in fancy clothes.* Battling perfectionism can be a challenge. In most all cases, our notions of perfect or imperfect are simply constructs of mind and have no actual basis other than thought has created them. Here are some excellent resources for helping to combat perfectionism, from me, a recovering perfectionist.


Gratitude: Start with a quick gratitude list. You might be surprised by how grounded and light it can make you feel. Ready, set, go...

Brené Brown, The power of vulnerability (Anything by Brené is magic)

Brené Brown, Listening to Shame

Reshma Saujani, Teach girls bravery, not perfection

Susan David, The gift and power of emotional courage

Eve Ensler, Embrace your inner girl

“I think perfectionism is just fear in fancy shoes and a mink coat, pretending to be elegant when actually it's just terrified. Because underneath that shiny veneer, perfectionism is nothing more that a deep existential angst the says, again and again, 'I am not good enough and I will never be good enough.” —Elizabeth Gilbert